Covid-19 Policies and Information

Martinsburg- Berkeley County Public Library
Covid-19 Policies
Approved 5/28/2021
Library Services
Restrictions on the number of patrons allowed in the building will be based on current Berkeley County Health Department Guidelines. Current guidelines: Building capacity must allow six feet of distance between patrons
Furniture will be arranged to promote social distancing
Play areas will not be available
Library will offer virtual and outdoor programs. Indoor programs will resume depending on level of community spread and other factors such as vaccination availability for young children.
High touch surfaces, such as computer keyboards, will be sanitized frequently
Meeting Rooms:
Library’s meeting rooms are open, but restrictions may be placed on occupancy.
Library Patrons:
The Library will follow state government guidelines on mask wearing. Current guidelines: State mask mandate is in effect until June 20th. Vaccinated individuals are exempt from mandate.
Fines will resume July 1, 2021.
June 1- Books, DVD's, and other materials will no longer be quarantined.
July 1- Fines will resume on all materials
Anything checked out on or after July 1st will be subject to fine.
Materials checked out between February 1st 2020 and July 1st 2021 will not be fined.
No-contact pick-up is still available.
Items placed on hold may be picked up at your local branch. You may submit requests for any circulating material through the online catalog or telephone. The number of hold requests are limited to 10 per person. After placing your holds, our staff will call you to confirm a pick up time/date between between 10:00 am and 4:45pm Monday – Friday.
We also encourage our patrons to use our online resources and digital collections at this time. You can get even get a digital library card with just a couple clicks!